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Monday 16 February 2015
She Wanted you to catch them, you never catch a woman cheating unless she wants you to

I cant even swallow the betrayal, I've seen your wife being supportive, when you where still beginning your career, I admired your relationship because my own wife then wasn't supportive, you where a humble couple,

So what happened?

before you continue reading please don't divorce her, the damage has already been done, Maybe she made one mistake and Gift started blackmailing her, but it also true that women are better off financially after divorce, Ukuda kumunzwiratsitsi? wait until she claims $10000usd Maintenance
Prophet Shumba calls upon all fellow men of God Like Magaya, Above, To Pray for  Mhere

Sue them both,don't divorce her,

From how i know your wife she was influenced, getting in is easy but getting out is not easy,

She knows you will not divorce her for the kids sake, Woman always maintains the custody of kids, and the fathers then become subject to visitation agreements.

I think that many men are reluctant to leave due to fear of losing their connection with their children. Of the many couples that I have known that have divorces, I can say that I have only known a few families where the men felt as if they were still as connected to their kids post-divorce. However, this may change over time as shared custody agreements are becoming more common.

There are other reasons that men don’t file- more likely related to financial matters. Or better the she-devil you know, than the one you don’t.

 Women are more empowered than ever before to get through this tough time.  She is better off financially after a divorce and she knows that
The boyfriend is the mastermind, behind the scene, they wanted you to catch them so you divorce her and they win
Zimbabwe is behind you, if anything silly happens we will petition,

She wants an easy early retirement, don't get a lawyer yet, or advice from a lawyer, lawyers are usually dull people who failed their Ordinary level and could only gets an Arts combination in A-Level, then A they fail with less than 6 points, the only degree program they can fit into is law, they will drag your case so they make more money and either you win your case or loose the lawyers benefit both ways, it doesn't change the money you pay them, PROPHET MUFUNDISI SHUMBA

Sunday 15 February 2015
1. Feed him
2. Sleep with him
3. Leave him with peace
4. Don't check his phone (Msgs)
5. Don't bother him with his
So whats so hard about that
It's really not too difficult but.... To make a
woman happy, a man only needs
to be:
1. a friend
2. a companion

3. a lover
4. a brother
5. a father
6. a master
7. a chef
8. an electrician
9. a plumber
10. a mechanic
11. a carpenter
12. a decorator
13. a stylist
14. a sexologist
15. a gynecologist
16. a psychologist
17. a pest exterminator
18. a psychiatrist
19. a healer
20. a good listener
21. an organizer
22. a good father
23. very clean
24. sympathetic
25. athletic
26. warm
27. attentive
28. gallant
29. intelligent
30. funny
31. creative
32. tender
33. strong
34. understanding
35. tolerant
36. prudent
37. ambitious
38. capable
39. courageous
40. determined
41. true
42. dependable
43. passionate
romantic couple photography
44. give her compliments
45. Go shopping with her
46. be honest
47. be very rich
48. not stress her out
49. not look at other girls
50. give her lots of attention
51. give her lots of time,
especially time for herself
52. give her lots of space, never
worrying about where she goes.
53. never forget
*arrangements she makes.
What do-you think?
Wednesday 11 February 2015
Sermon yaMufundisi Shumba yakanetsa mune imwe chechi. Vamwe vakati Elder ava vadzingwe asi vamwe havana kuwirirana nazvo.

His sermon was as follows:

"Dear Brothers and Sisters! Today I want to talk about a PIECE OF MEAT. That PIECE OF MEAT ...... Amen, children of God!"


"That PIECE OF MEAT that separates brothers and sisters! That PIECE OF MEAT that causes Husbands and Wives to divorce! That PIECE OF MEAT that causes hatred between brothers and sisters! That PIECE OF MEAT that causes women to fight with women, and brothers to fight with brothers! Amen, Saints of Heaven!"


"It is that PIECE OF MEAT that is more outside than inside, and sometimes more inside than outside. Beloved brothers and sisters, It is that PIECE OF MEAT that can give so much pain to individuals and the world, but it also brings a lot of PLEASURE and PEACE to all of us! Hallelujah!"


"Ko, nhai Mai Mufundisi Mupunga, imi munofunga kuti chii?"

(Mai Mufundisi Mupunga vakabva vatora handbag ravo ndokudhodza murume wavo Mufundisi Mupunga ndokutungamidzana vachibuda muchechi).

"Ko, nhai Elder Manomano, imi munofunga kanyamai aka?"

(Elder Manomano havana kupedza nguva, vakatora mudzimai wavo vakaisa muromo mumhuno, ndokutungamidzana vachibudawo muchechi. Vamwe vatendi nokutyawo kubvunzwa vakatangawo kufamba vachibuda muchechi. Makasara vabereki vashoma asi mayouth ese havana kubuda. Vave panze vainzikwa vamwe vachipopota vachiti, "Dirty Mind! Dirty Mind!")

Elder Shumba havana kuita hanya nevaibuda kana kuita zhowe zhowe panze, asi kuti vakatokwidza inzwi ravo, iro dikita richibuda.

"Beloved Brothers and Sisters, the PIECE OF MEAT I want to talk to you about is; THE TONGUE! DEAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS ..... Rurimi Vatendi! Rurimi urwu runounza rudo, godo, rufu, kuvengana, kusanzisisana, hondo mufamily, between brothers, between sisters, in the community, it divides people everywhere, in churches, in political parties, in governments, it ignites wars in the world. This PIECE OF MEAT if not controlled, can destroy the world! This PIECE OF MEAT is deadlier than all the nuclear bombs in the world. Hallelujah!"


"It is this PIECE OF MEAT that creates love, it creates marriage, it lubricates love and marriages with kisses. But it is the same PIECE OF MEAT that creates divorces, it dissolves marriages it had created. It burns the love it used to grease with kisses! Hallelujah!"


"This PIECE OF MEAT if used properly, can create love between man and woman. It creates understanding between brothers, between sisters, between nations! It builds communities. It builds churches, political organizations. It creates PEACE where there is WAR! It is this PIECE OF MEAT that negotiate peace. Children of God, this PIECE OF MEAT must be controlled to avoid all evil. If you fail to control your PIECE OF MEAT then know you can ignite fire that may burn you in the end. May the Lord bless your PIECE OF MEAT today, Hallelujah!"

Elder Shumba vakabva vagara zvavo pasi, uku vakomana nevasikana nevabereki vashoma vainge vasara muchechi vachiuchira vamwe vachipukuta misodzi nekunakirwa neshoko.